Business Forum ONLINE: Modern slavery – exploring solutions

ONLINE SOLUTIONS WORKSHOP – How can we create an enabling environment to prevent, identify and address modern slavery in food & agriculture?

At this online workshop, we will explore answers to the key question that participants at our recent Business Forum dinner meeting collectively set – namely ‘How can we create an enabling environment to prevent, identify and address modern slavery in food & agriculture?’.

This meeting will focus on developing ‘in the round’ solutions – individually and collectively – that seek to address that question and get to root causes.

This will be an informal open space for participants to share ideas, consider potential collaborations and learn from peers. With it being held online, it will allow Business Forum members from anywhere in the UK to join.

Even if Business Forum members were not able to join the related in-person dinner meeting (held on 23rd Jan), they are still very welcome to join this online workshop. We will kick start the session with a short summary of key insights from the previous meeting.


6th February 2024
7:00 - 8:30 pm

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