Our core belief is that any sustainable food system must have ethics at its heart.
Our approach to food ethics focuses on fairness and covers three dimensions – humans, animals and the planet. A good place to start with this is our 2010 report of the Food and Fairness Inquiry.
Food ethics allows us to judge what should happen in the food system. Whenever we make a decision, we take the opportunity to create positive change. With this comes power and responsibility.
As INDIVIDUALS, we make food decisions that have ethical implications every day, from groceries shopping to how we eat together and how we vote.
Within BUSINESSES, people face ethical choices whenever they decide what to do, how to source products, how they run businesses.
Within GOVERNMENTS, decision-makers deal with concerns about human health, animal welfare, environmental protection or trade justice.
Taking food ethics seriously, then, requires that we don’t simply take a stand on one ethical position – such as veganism, or plastics, or fair trade. It requires that we take the long-term view, consider the potential consequences of actions, look at issues ‘in the round’ and decide what is right, all things considered.