Joint open letter calls for action on food & farming systems at COP26

The Food Ethics Council is one of more than 30 health, environment and farming organisations that have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling on him to drive action at COP26 on reducing the climate and nature impact of farming and our diets.

The letter – coordinated by Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming – urges the Prime Minister to acknowledge the critical role of land use and agriculture in the climate emergency, and recognise that more sustainable farming practices can produce good food while tackling the climate and biodiversity crises.

For more details, see Sustain’s website here. You can download the full open letter below.

Growing public consciousness about the importance of food in relation to the climate crisis was highlighted in a recent poll from Yonder (see here). Two in three of respondents (66%) agree that we eat and how it is produced, transported, stored, cooked and thrown away is a significant contributor to climate change.