The last decade has seen a number of government-industry collaborations aimed at furthering elements of a sustainable food system, from the Courtauld Commitment to DEFRA’s recent Green Food Project. Supporters of the partnership approach can point to important successes – the Food Standards Agency salt reduction campaign, for example. But initiatives can also attract criticism such as that directed towards the Public Health Responsibility Deal. This
roundtable considered what lessons for the future
can be drawn from the experience of partnership
initiatives to date.

The discussion was introduced by two speakers: Dr Susan Jebb, Head of Diet and Population Health at the Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research Unit, and Co-Chair of the Public Health Responsibility Deal Food Network; and Cathryn Higgs, Food Policy Manager of The Co-operative Group.

Geoff Tansey, Food Ethics Council Trustee, chaired the event.

Download a report of the roundtable