Lucy Aphramor


Lucy Aphramor is an Associate Professor of Gender, Power and Right to Food at the Centre for Agroecology, Water, and Resilience at Coventry University, UK. Lucy is a dietitian and dietetic theorist who contributes to professional scholarship and practice internationally in collaboration with colleagues from a variety of disciplines. They are the co-founder of the World Critical Dietetics movement and have served on expert groups including the European Federation of the Association of Dietitians Public Health Nutrition Committee and the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). They hold the British Dietetic Association Roll of Honour Award.

Lucy acknowledges a foundational flaw in their practice prior to the Black Lives Matter uprisings was the failure to understand coloniality as an ongoing project. They are committed to addressing and repairing this, including by acknowledging their intellectual indebtedness to Black and Fat scholarship. Lucy’s interests in critical pedagogy, health justice, and various ways of knowing are reflected in their research focus and embodied in their social action theatre as The Naked Dietitian.