Steph is currently Food Strategy Lead for Cheshire West Voluntary Action and has been leading a community food network project – The Welcome Network – since 2017. Steph believes that now more than ever there needs to be a whole system approach for us all to have access to affordable, healthy and nutritious food.
In 2016 Steph co-founded the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) and held a role of Volunteer and Trustee until 2019. Between 2009 and 2016 she worked for the Oxfam UK Programme managing the corporate relationship between Unilever. Steph graduated from the University of Gloucestershire in 2004 with a Sports Education degree and spent time at university focusing on Sports Sociology, and Child Protection within sport and in all her voluntary and paid roles she has had a passion for fairness, equality and justice. Working in a wide range of community settings including volunteering at a respite care club for children with disabilities, Early Intervention worker for children and families social care, Care Giver for Older People and now coordinating a community food network.
Steph has a passion to see things change for better, both now and for the long term. She wants to be involved in helping everyone from key decisions makers and individuals give their energy and make choices that will support people now and affect longer term change.